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Setting Up an InSight File Server

The files and directories that make up the InSight system of online documentation take up a great deal of space. In your network, there is no reason for each system to maintain a separate copy of the InSight documents as long as all systems are at substantially the same software revision level. If the InSight software revision level is the same across several systems, you can designate one system to serve the others with the InSight files, thus freeing up disk space on the client systems.

Be sure to choose a server system that is not called upon to carry a heavy workload, and take your network performance into account before you begin. If your users use InSight a great deal and your network is already burdened, you may find that your users will not appreciate the decreased response time from both InSight and your network in general. Also, if a person is to use the InSight server as his or her workstation, that person must be prepared to accept a certain (possibly substantial) amount of disk, CPU, and network overhead as a result.

There are two convenient ways to set up an InSight server. These will be detailed in the following subsections. Both methods require that you have the NFS software option installed. If you do not understand the terms and concepts behind NFS, you should read the ONC3/NFS Administrator's Guide and the NIS Administration Guide before undertaking these projects. The second method described here also requires a dedicated CD-ROM drive to hold the InSight distribution media.

A Conventional InSight Server/Client System

To install the IRIS InSight Viewer and Document Library on a remote server and retrieve the information from a local client system, follow the steps below.

On the server system:

  1. Log in as root (superuser).

  2. Bring up inst(1M) and install the complete IRIS InSight product image (from your CD-ROM drive or distribution directory) with the commands

    Inst> install insight insight_gloss *.books.*

    Inst> go

    The total size of the viewer and document library is a little less than 23 megabytes.

  3. Export the /usr/share/Insight/library/SGI_bookshelves directory using the System Manager or the exportfs command:

    exportfs -i /usr/share/Insight/library/SGI_bookshelves

    If the server does not have a graphical display, a warning is generated during the exit. This warning relates to updating the X server's font directory and can be ignored.

On the client system:

  1. Log in as root (superuser).

  2. Give the command

    versions remove *.books.*

    to remove the books on your bookshelves.

  3. Run the inst command on your client system and give the following commands to install the insight.sw.client subsystem (you may want to install the and the subsystems as well):

    Inst> keep insight insight_gloss

    Inst> install insight.sw.client

    Inst> go

  4. Mount the SGI_bookshelves directory from your server on your client system. In the example below, the name of the server machine is capra.

    mkdir /usr/share/Insight/library/SGI_bookshelves

    mount capra:/usr/share/Insight/library/SGI_bookshelves /usr/share/Insight/library/SGI_bookshelves

    Note that when you enter the mount command on your client system, the entire command line goes on a single line. The command is broken across two lines in this example due to formatting limitations.

Note: If you have remote-mounted your InSight books, the Silicon Graphics desktophelp system will not operate correctly while the books are mounted. To view the desktophelp, unmount the books temporarily.

A CD-ROM InSight Server/Client System

With this method, you need not use up your disk space for the InSight files if you have a CD-ROM drive you can dedicate to InSight. You simply leave the CD with the InSight distribution in the drive and link the mounted distribution to the directory where InSight would have installed the files. The drawback of this system is that you must dedicate a CD-ROM drive to the purpose, but this method can be used with NFS to provide server access to your entire network.

Note: If you have a version of the IRIS InSight Document Library installed on your client disk but you want to mount the books from the CD-ROM, you must remove all the files in /usr/share/Insight/library before creating the symbolic link described in step 2. Use the versions remove command to cleanly remove the books, then check the directory to be sure all files have been removed. If you wish to use the IRIS InSight Viewer and Document Library from the CD-ROM and access the information from a local or remote system, follow the steps below.

On the server system with the CD-ROM drive:

  1. Log in as root (superuser).

  2. Insert the IRIS InSight CD into the CD-ROM drive. If the drive is not mounted, use the System Manager or the mount(1M) command to mount the drive. The most common mount point is /CDROM. If the drive is mounted correctly, you should be able to change directories to /CDROM and see all the files in the IRIS InSight CD. To see the files, use the command

    cd /CDROM/insight

  3. As root, create a symbolic link from /usr/Insight/library/SGI_bookshelves to the CD insight directory. You may need to create the directory /usr/Insight/library if it doesn't exist. Use the commands:

    mkdir -p /usr/share/Insight/library

    ln -s /CDROM/insight/SGI_bookshelves /usr/share/Insight/library

    Note that when you enter the link command on your client system, the entire command line goes on a single line. The command is broken across two lines in this example due to formatting limitations.

    At this point, the InSight bookshelves are mounted on your server and available for use on that system. To allow users on other systems on your network to use the bookshelves, proceed to step 4.

  4. If you want to share the bookshelves with other users on your network, export the /CDROM directory using the System Manager or the exportfs command:

    exportfs -i /CDROM

On each client system, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in as root (superuser).

  2. Run the inst command and give the following commands to install the insight.sw.client subsystem (you may want to install the and the subsystems as well). You can get the installation software from the CD in the /CDROM/dist directory on the server.

    Inst> keep *

    Inst> install insight.sw.client

    Inst> go

  3. Mount the bookshelves from the server. In the example below, the name of the server machine is capra. Use the following command:

    mount capra:/CDROM/insight/SGI_bookshelves /usr/share/Insight/library/SGI_bookshelves

    Note that when you enter the mount command on your client system, the entire command line goes on a single line. The command is broken across two lines in this example due to formatting limitations.

Using Remote InSight

After the software has been installed, you should force your shell to remake its list of available programs and commands with the command


You can now invoke the IRIS InSight Viewer. The command to invoke the viewer is iiv (an acronym for IRIS InSight Viewer):


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